I’m still going through a Season where it feels like God is helping me separate what matters and what doesn’t matter. He’s making me unpack what I spend my time doing (Working) and what I should be spending my time doing (Living). He’s making me question routines and habits that I didn’t think much about in the past, like my inclination to watching repeat episodes of favourite sitcoms. He’s challenging me not to pour my every drop into the world, leaving nothing for myself, my loved ones, and most importantly, Him.

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I don’t have it all figured out, but when I finally found the courage to look inward and upward, making peace with my life’s trajectory, something happened. A transformation of the mind if I may so boldly state. And through this process, it’s like God finally found his canvas for my life and started painting, and the pieces started falling into place. It’s been amazing to say the least.

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Now let’s stay there for a while. That Word, Gratitude. I call it the other side of the Coin, where the flip side is Peace. Those two words go hand in hand. Why would a successful Actor Comedian commit suicide? Why would a respected World Leader sexually harass a Hotel maid? And why would Many, Many successful people leave it all to go off the grid like the Green Renaissance people? What are they all seeking? Oh wait, Peace.

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The bane of an Achiever personality is that good is never good enough, and great never comes soon enough. It’s a nightmare really. The concept of gratitude, and sitting in the place of small and big achievements, soaking in the praise and patting myself in the back has been foreign for most of my life, and i’m only just learning it. Think about it, Rest is a function of gratitude. It’s very hard to rest if you don’t believe you deserve it, or you have earned it. Achievers consider rest to be Anathema. It takes extreme fatigue, medical conditions, or (in the case of one super achiever I know) the risk of losing treasured relationships life a wife, children etc for them to agree to slow down and rest. And because Humans are wired with a Herd mentality, we surround ourselves with people like us. So if everyone around me is an achiever, hitting milestone after milestone, then the wisdom to know that Rest is not only doctrinal, but also mission critical will not show up on my path. And so I keep going, until I can’t anymore.

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I find it hard to believe that God’s will for my life is for me to be an absentee Dad/Son/Brother, or an unavailable spouse, or that ever busy friend who never picks nor returns calls, or a Sunday Christian (when there are so many Church ministries where my abilities and skills could be impactful), all at the altar of a Successful business career. I’m not saying that all who make it to the top have had to make all the sacrifices listed above, no, i bet there are top CEOs who have been there for all key moments of their Children’s lives, who have thriving marriages and are active members of their Churches and local communities. I simply haven’t been fortunate enough to meet one.

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I watched him. This entrepreneur who I highly respect. He’s built a wonderful business. I’ve known him since the very beginning, nearly 10 years ago when all he and his co-founder had was a dream and little to show for it. But they hustled, and grinded, and sweated, and sacrificed everything, from comfort to relationships, because they believed they were on to something. Things are good now. Money is coming in. They have a team now. A big team. They have clients, and jobs, and a swanky office and all other signs of SME success.

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