Let’s play a game. I tell you one thing about myself, and you have to tell me something about yourself. Deal? I know I know, you are wondering how this works with you behind a computer screen and me probably somewhere pleasing myself. Oh come on, I mean eating ice cream you perv.
It’s actually quite easy. There are 10 key statements about every human being that can tell you everything there is to know about that person. True story. So I will write down everything there is to know about me, and you are free to think up what your answers to those 10 statements would be, or if you feel sufficiently philanthropic, you can give your version in the comment section. I promise it stays between you and I.
Here goes:
- If I didn’t have to worry about paying bills, I would be a…youth Mentor.
- The very first thing I do when I wake up is…try to turn off my alarm in a panic stricken frenzy.
- The last thing I do before I sleep is…I say these 4 words, “Gratias ti bi deus”. It means Thanks be to God.
- My definition of true love is…the willingness to sacrifice everything for the person you love. The image of Jesus on the Cross comes to mind.
- The perfect romantic date for me includes…a sunset and lots of laughter.
- The part of my body I’m most proud of is…my face (my eye brows are divine and no one can resist my smile)
- The part of my body I’m least proud of is…my ass (as my sister says, it’s flatter than a lamp post. A nice, firmly built pair of buttocks would be welcome)
- My all time favorite childhood memory is…running around semi-naked at my “Cucu’s” over Christmas holidays with my cousins and siblings.
- The one thing I wish to achieve before I die is…see my daughters as well rounded, fantastically successful women.
- My biggest fear is…the opposite of 9 above.
Alright, your turn.